Some of the Enviroschools rauemi available.
The previous Enviroschools website was over ten-years old and had become outdated. It was time to build a new platform to capture and share the content of the amazing stories happening across the Enviroschools network.
The website re-design needed to be user-friendly, with a simplified and modernised content management system to reduce the time required to keep fresh, and to enhance the user experience for the many people who upload web content. As the main source for people to use to find information and learn about the Enviroschools kaupapa, we wanted to build a website where teachers and regional teams could access and share key rauemi related to the Enviroschools kaupapa, to make new connections, and source ideas and inspiration.
We enlisted the help of The Family Farm to create a well-researched and structured plan that could:
- Enable our audiences to become storytellers by providing tools and channels for creating and sharing content
- Amplify the Enviroschools story and identity • Inspire, activate and connect key communities
- Streamline internal digital platforms and processes for the Enviroschools team.
The content for the website was refined over 12 months by members of the Toimata national team, and the website build took place in the middle of 2019. The website was launched on Friday 5th July 2019, and the feedback from across the regions has been entirely positive.

“The site is a beautiful way of acknowledging the kaupapa and the mahi that has taken place over many years and what is taking place right now. The new functionality is going to make a real difference in so many ways”.
— Karyn Burgess, Enviroschools Wellington Regional Coordinator
The new Enviroschools website provides an excellent resource for any school, teacher, or community member interested in learning more about Education for Sustainability in New Zealand, as well as further supporting and connecting our Enviroschools community. We are excited to provide a modern platform where people can create change, inspire others, and start their own Enviroschools stories.

“I’ve been genuinely in awe of the stories shared. From the ataahua visuals to the interesting way changes occur through title and colour. Exploring the kaupapa- engaging, interactive and captivating. People will love this!”
— Debbie Upham, Enviroschools Facilitator.