A programme in te reo Māori working with kōhanga/puna reo, kura, wharekura and communities that embraces Māori culture, language and wisdom
Welcome to Toimata Foundation. In partnership with Te Mauri Tau we support two nationwide programmes, Te Aho Tū Roa and Enviroschools
Te Aho Tū Roa is the cord that connects and sustains us, joining us to those who have gone before and to those who will come after us. Te Aho Tū Roa seeks to strengthen connections – People to People, People to Place.
A nationwide network of early childhood centres, primary and secondary schools all committed to building sustainable communities.
Toimata Foundation is a charitable trust focused on creative sustainability. Our programmes are collaborative, empowering and action-focused.
A programme in te reo Māori working with kōhanga/puna reo, kura, wharekura and communities that embraces Māori culture, language and wisdom
An action-based education programme where young people plan, design and implement sustainability projects and become catalysts for change.
Toimata Foundation supports a growing and diverse network. Over 100,000 young people from early childhood, through primary and secondary schooling and beyond are active participants in our programmes.