Wānanga Toi Ngāpuhi
The wānanga were held at four marae across Te Taitokerau, beginning at Waiwhatawhata, Hokianga, moving to Kauhanga Marae, Peria, then on to Kaka Porowini Marae, Whangarei, finishing at Otiria Marae, Moerewa. There were 22 taiohi who participated in this kaupapa, held by a kāhui whakahaere made up of Kawiti Waetford (Poutuakana), Bethany Edmunds, Rebecca Toki, Wiremu Sarich, Dorothy Waetford, and Anaru Cook. Ringatoi invited to participate ranged from kairaranga, taonga pūoro, kai tāmoko, kaiwhakairo, painters, ringa uku, kaitārai waka, aute makers, kaiwhatu tāniko, kaiwhakaari, kaiwaiata, kaihaka, kaikōrero, and many, many more. Part of this kaupapa is the protection, sustainable use and care of, advocacy for and teaching about taonga nō taiao and our relationship to taiao as Ngāpuhi and as artists.

Red kokowai gathered and collected in a kota shell in preparation for use as paint.
“The lasting feeling I have after this experience is that there is so much joy available to us in our whakapapa and our connections with people and places.” – Taiohi
— Image below: Raku-fired taonga uku with kōkōwai slip being readied for exhibition.

Ka timu te tai, ka pari te tai. Ko te taiohi auaha o Te Taitokerau, kei uta: Kua kokohi a Symphony Morunga, ringatoi taiohi nō te kaupapa nei, i ngā taonga a taiao hei whakarākei, hei panipani, hei mea whakairi i te toi o ōna whakaaro!
Banner image: Te whānau o Tai o Hī Tai o Hā preparing to welcome their whānau into the exhibition space at Hihiaua Cultural Centre.