Lees Street Kindergarten community map
Through tamariki and whānau engagement and input, the Lees Street kindergarten garden produces an abundance of fruit and vegetables each year. Whānau also bring in produce from their gardens to share and cook with.
Kaiako/teachers at the kindergarten shared that “we did not want the puaka/produce to go to waste and so we hoped through intentional questioning and provocations the tamariki would come to the conclusion/solution of a kindergarten sharing shelf. The Earthwise grant was a bonus in enabling us to get the materials to see this inquiry through.”
Toimata Foundation has a partnership with Earthwise that involves Earthwise providing funding for sustainable action and innovation projects across the Enviroschools and Te Aho Tū Roa networks.
You can go to the Enviroschools website and read the full story here.
Image below: Finished sharing shelf.