Tuākana in wānanga at Te Mauri Tau
Te Kāhui Tuākana o Te Aho Tū Roa is a network of amazing young Māori throughout Aotearoa, doing extraordinary things in their own spheres.
By engaging the personal and professional connections of these young leaders, Te Aho Tū Roa is able to draw on the knowledge, skills and expertise of these individuals who volunteer their time to tautoko and help facilitate various Te Aho Tū Roa events around the country.
Hui Whakapakari Tuākana are three-day professional development events that assist our Kāhui Tuākana to strengthen meaningful connections with each other and to grow their knowledge and experience in mātauranga Māori, leadership and youth work skills, Te Reo Māori me ōna Tikanga and more.
Tuākana engage in Wānanga and discussion around many issues, including potential scenarios that may arise when working with rangatahi (above image). These professional development events are crucial in preparing our Kāhui Tuākana for their facilitation and leadership roles at events such as Te Hui ā-Motu o Kōtuia!
For more information about tuākana, head to the Te Aho Tū Roa website.

Haka Theatre Troupe on stage at Kōtuia, following an intense and successful Māori Movement workshop with tauira and teachers at Te Hui ā-Motu o Kōtuia!
“I whai hua mōku ngā āhuatanga haumaru mo te noho hei tuakana, ngā pūkenga rerekē o ia tuakana, te ako i ngā momo pūkenga whakahaere kaupapa me te akiaki rangatahi ki te whakaputa whakaaro”.
— Tuakana, Te Aho Tū Roa.