Day 1: Noho ki Tuia Maara Whenua
Culturally rich activities delivered included: Karakia, )Mihimihi/ Whakatau 3)Whakawhanaungatanga whakataki te kaupapa (introduction), Tuakana guest speaker (learning Journey), workshop how taitamariki learn best and any challenges they had to learning, The living library session on rongoā Māori, held a practical workshop preparing rongoā, processing and labelling rongoā, waiata session, Haere anga mua – set kaupapa for next one day Noho, karakia whakamutunga.
Taitamariki learning about the importance and use of certain types of rongoā, e.g. kawakawa, kūmarahou
Day 2: Haerenga ki Ngātu
Connection is everything, with each other, through whakapapa, through mahi ngātahi to engage and excite learning in our beautiful local environments with our taitamariki.
Awesome kōrero from Pāpā Joe Body on the Mokihi, (Waka Raupō), learnt how important kuta is to help re-oxygenate water bodies and how it is used as a valued weaving resource, also learnt how to harvest and sort kuta for weavers, learnt the whakapapa o te wai with games master Wiremu Sarich, Hine-tū-i-te Repo – her mahi as a mediator between Tāne and Tangaroa, learnt waiata, and how to do water quality testing. A very full day. Lots of mahi and learning today experienced by all.
Experiencing mōkihi on Lake Ngātu
Day 3: Haerenga ki Te Rerenga Wairua
We are very blessed to have our Kaumatua join us to share korero about Te Aupōuri and Ngāti Kurī. Our taitamariki learnt about the history of different rohe as part of our Te Hiku Iwi Series one day Taiao connection wānanga, with some of our disengaged taitamariki with kura…. reconnecting to pūrākau, whakapapa, whenua, moana and rangi.
Learning through history and kōrero from kaumātua
Banner image: Taitamariki harvesting kuta.