Mauri Ora Mai Tawhito Wānanga

2020 Toimata website Mauri Ora Mai Tawhito

The ‘Mauri ora mai Tawhito’ concept began through the realisation that Kaumātua and Kuia knowledge is an absolute taonga. Many of the solutions required for our current social and economic climate can be found within the experiences and inter-generational mātauranga Māori of our elders transferred or passed down over time.

Mauri Ora Mai Tawhito Wānanga offers a forum for kaumatua and kuia to share their korero, pūrakau, history, whakapapa, waiata so these taonga are not lost, but retained for future generations. One of the dreams and aspirations of the Kuia and Kaumatua who started this kaupapa in 2015 was that it would eventually make its way around all Te Rarawa marae, giving everyone an opportunity to showcase their space and revitalising the stories from each whanau in Te Rarawa.

The fifth gathering was held in February 2020 at Waiparera Marae, Te Rangi. The programme included 32 speakers who spoke on a variety of kaupapa linked to the importance of mauri, and activities for tamariki such as mahi toi and kayaking.

Our Kaiwhakapūmau plays a key role in the event management with hapu and iwi representatives leading up to these events. This year also saw all kaikorero captured on film and photo, with a short video created with funding through Work Programme 4.

“Feeling a strong sense of identity, unity across TeRarawa”

“Great mix of korero activities, whakawhanaungatanga – imagine if our kura were like this” – Participant feedback


The programme provided participants with a range of knowledge sharing and activities.

“Words cannot fully express our love and gratitude to the whānau of Waiparera marae, Te Rangi for hosting an absolutely wonderful Wananga Mauri Ora Mai Tawhito o Te Rarawa.” – Kaiwhakapumau report

Holding the vision of Te Aho Tū Roa and Enviroschools