Te Hononga ki te Taiao – Awanui, Taitokerau

In March, we hosted Te Hononga ki te Taiao – a wānanga at Waimanoni Marae. This wānanga brought together Taiao groups from Tairāwhiti and local Taitokerau teams, including Ngāitakoto, Ngāti Wai, Te Aupōuri, Manu Taupunga and haukāinga, to exchange and explore our environmental initiatives. Activities provided an opportunity for everyone to learn, share and connect with one another, reinforcing our collective efforts in environmental stewardship.

The wānanga featured a variety of engaging activities and discussions:

  • Tākaro (Games and Activities) with Wiremu Sarich
  • Waiata (Songs) with Selena Angela Bercic
  • Hauhake Tohorā (Whale Harvesting) & Rongoā (Traditional Healing) with Jaycee Tipene-Thomas and Blake Te Kata
  • Mauri o te Kauri (The Life Force of the Kauri Tree) with Joanne Murray

These activities provided an opportunity for everyone to learn, share, and connect with one another, reinforcing the importance of our collective efforts in environmental stewardship.



  • Tirotiro / kaupeka korero from Papa Rereata
  • Kotahitanga
  • He taonga te Kuta / Kylie and Kuta – stunning
  • Kemu ringaringa with Wiremu / Taonga pūoro with Wiremu
  • Te Whakawhiti te Matauranga ā iwi, ā hapū – te katoa / te hohonu o te wananga
  • Korero hitori / kauri me te tohora
  • App (Tutū pai te puehu) – different ways to pupuri puna matauranga
  • Pupuri ki tō tamarikitanga / pohewatanga
  • Importance of mātauranga Māori and tikanga Maori in mahi taiao
  • Loved karakia, waiata, whanaungatanga, harvest of kuta, and the connection I have for the moana
  • The importance of our taonga species, teaching and learning karakia, waiata, rongoā
  • My biggest takeaway from this noho would be how we went to Lake Ngatu and learnt about their taiao journey
  • Reconnect with the whānau, te whenua
  • Papa Rereata was amazing and Matua Wiremu Sarich
  • Korero from Matua Shaq, The brotherhood between Kauri and ngā tohora…actually everything.


We extend our heartfelt thanks to our haukāinga, and the whānau from Te Tairāwhiti. Your contributions and support made this wānanga a success. The Te Hononga ki te Taiao Wānanga was an inspiring and enriching event that highlighted the shared commitment to environmental sustainability among our Taiao groups. We look forward to continuing these valuable exchanges and collaborations in the future, when our Tai Tokerau Taiao Teams head to Te Tairāwhiti.

Holding the vision of Te Aho Tū Roa and Enviroschools